Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 14 Kitchen Reno

Mike wants to put in a new kitchen sink when he does the counter top...does the added expense have to go towards my budget, or can that be considered "a gift" ?

Well here we are, day 14, and the doors are finally all on. What a difference for us to walk into a light-filled room rather than all that dark yellowed oak we were used to.
My guy at Totem called, and my arborite was in yesterday. Mike went to pick it up, and was told it was damaged...they had to order a new slab. Another little setback, but there was nothing to say about it as it is out of my control. The upside is that the new piece should be here this week, I'm hoping by Friday. Arborite is brittle and easily damaged until it is put onto the counter top, and it was bitterly cold this week, as everyone knows, so I wasn't surprised to hear it was broken.

the cabinets look funny to me without the new toe kicks!
Mike has all the measurements and the MDF and will prepare the new base for the counter top, and we'll go from there! We won't have any seams to worry trapped bread crumbs for this lady. Next week I will grab the tile, but until the arborite is in and we make the counter top, there won't be any renovating happening to blog about!

I can picture the new counter top and tile so keenly that it's so hard to wait this long to see the finished result!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome blog. I enjoyed reading your articles. This is truly a great read for me. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work! Kitchen Renovation
