Monday, January 31, 2011

Scrapbook Corner

Good morning...and isn't it quite the frosty morning today?
I got up, having full intentions of driving the kids to school and mom to work, with the -37 windchill hovering around us today! After I got home, Charlie and I hung out together, dusting the knick-knacks, eating cheerios, and eventually ended up in the scrapbook room, catching up on unfinished projects. Perfect for a freezing cold morning.

Now, with nothing much to do, we are going to venture out and pick up my grandma, and head to our "bustling" downtown, pop into Fields, and take mom out to lunch. After which I will finish up the laundry, start supper, and sit with my tea and a book until the children come home. It's not very glamorous, but it is my life!

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