Friday, June 10, 2011

Backyard Crash Update...

our new huge patio
this is what 4000 patio stones looks like

Well the patio is finally done, and with a few of the members of the crew being sick Wednesday and Thursday the project moved a bit slower than usual. When we got home last night from watching Brandon play soccer in Lloyd it was nice to see the yard was ready for topsoil. So today the plan is to get the topsoil in and level it off, and put edging down where our rock bed and play area will be. Our yard was so unlevel it was unreal. The back needed almost 2 feet of topsoil to be at a 2% grade level...enough of a grade to let snow and rain run off properly. I was so shocked at this news, and the proof in front of our eyes when we saw the level line! It was no wonder that our neighbor behind us had a flooded basement this year...he got all of the winter run-off from our yard!
the mountain of soil my kids are just dying to climb

I'm happy that it will finally be done properly. Whenever we walked from the back of the yard to the deck we were leaned over slightly from the trek uphill. Not anymore! :)
Today should move fairly quickly, and I can go out to help as it's just me and Charlie today. Mike took Jacey to North Battleford for dental surgery and Brandon is in school. I always get so nervous for my kids before they have surgery, probably because I'm 31 have never had it, and Brandon is 9 and has had 5 of them; between tubes and oral surgery. This is Jacey's first, and she has a soft spot on one molar and a small cavity on the other side. We have been watching it for a year now and despite our efforts to slow down the cavity, of course it reared it's ugly head anyways. And now, due to a big seminar Saskatchewan dentists have all gone to, they are getting away from filling and capping molars, and are giving them crowns now. Crowns!! Apparently fillings break down too easily if in the mouth for a few years, and with these cavities being on her molars, they will be in there until she's 11 or 12. So now they are doing crowns instead of fillings, meaning less surgery for the little ones, as it's so hard on their little bodies.
So yes, I'm stressed sitting here this morning, wishing I was holding her hand, and not having these horrible thoughts of her aspirating on the table or some other ungodly thing. Thankfully Mike will be right beside her when she falls asleep, so he will be the last thing she sees and the first thing (besides the nurse) when she wakes. Jacey has no fear, however...she never has been that type of kid. She's very strong and sort of unemotional about things like that. So think of her today, everyone, and send good thoughts her way! ;)

Here are a few pics of the yard I took last night, trying to capture the solar lights but failing miserably:

our itty bitty (i.e cute) pond

aunti pam and uncle james' angel and flowers

the trees waiting to be planted
free advertising..and cuter than a dodgy old billboard too!

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