Quick pages are a great way to showcase your photographic memories in a layout that is already made up for you. They are especially wonderful if you are drawing an absolute blank in your creativity. They also offer a fast solution to that jumble of pictures that have something or some event in common but you are having a hard time bringing them together. I like the collage quick pages like these ones by Rhonna Farrer, a designer from Two Peas. She uses wistful scrolls and nostalgic patterns and figures, like the one above, which is a design concept I'm over the moon for. I buy alot of her design elements and digital kits, and usually incorporate something of hers in each of my layouts.

This kit, called Christmas Memory Album kit, was one of the kits I ordered online after Christmas with my gift certificate from my sister in law. I have a great 8x8 album and these pages are all in 8x8 format, just the perfect size for a quickie album to display our Christmas memories. The pages are all partially adorned, so you can leave them as they are, or keep layering elements to get your desired look. While I would love to own Adobe Photoshop, my basic scrapbook software is still keeping me going strong, and about 90% of the products I download are all in .png format, which is compatible with most, if not all, software programs.
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